Live electronics & scores
Electroacoustic music with instruments and live electronics.
Please use the contact page for specific enquiries.
Works older than than 2014 are gradually being updated on this page
The Grave of Silence
2024, duration 15'00
Brass Quintet, Soprano, and multichannel live electronics.
Dream Divers (debut 'sleep' concert)
2024, duration 120'00
Flute, live electronics and electroacoustic sound.
Shimmering Cities
2023, duration 30'00
Orchestra, live electronics and electroacoustic sound.
Hallucination Machine II: No Escape.
2023, duration 12'40
Quintet for string quartet and computer (live electronics and live video)
Missing Their Heads, Unseen They Will Rebound
2023, duration 10'00
Harp, live electronics and electroacoustic sound. (Premier in 2023)
Hallucination Machine I
2023, duration 15'00
String quartet and computer, video, live electronics
The Transformer#1
2021-2022, duration 24'00
Live electronics, live 3D computer graphics, 3D ambisonics and soprano.
Where Shockwaves Become Sound
2020-2021, duration 26'00
Pipe organ and multichannel electroacoustic sound.
Altered States 1: Coastal Waters
2020-2021, duration 7'00
Vocal ensemble and multichannel electroacoustic sound.
Altered States 2: A Forest of Their Own
2020-2021, duration 8'44
Vocal ensemble and multichannel electroacoustic sound.
Islands of Lost Passports
2017, duration 13'00
Cello, clarinet, el. guitar, percussion, computer performer, multichannel electroacoustic sound and live electronics. Version also with acoustic guitar.
Sagittarius A*
2017, duration 32'00
Violin, ambisonics electroacoustic sound and live electronics
Traversing a Small Town at Night
2015 / 2018, duration 16'00
Flutes (Alto, C, piccolo), ambisonics electroacoustic sound, live electronics.
Allure and Hoodwink
2014, duration 18'00
Piano, violin computer, live electronics and multichannel electroacoustic sound.
A Collector's Chest
2013, duration 25'00
Alto sax, soprano sax, double bass, classical guitar, percussion, accordion, computer, live electronics, multichannel electroacoustic sound.
Deconstructing Dowland
2009, duration 10'00
Guitar, electroacoustic sound and live electronics.
Zone 1
2006-2008, duration 16'00
Piano, clarinet, percussion and live electronics.
Rhizaria (Barely_part 4)
2008, duration 13'00
Cello, electroacoustic sound and live electronics.
Crack Process
2006, duration 14'00
Percussion, trumpet, electric guitar, electroacoustic sound and live electronics.
Where shadows pass for bodies pass.
2004, duration 14'00
Classical guitar, electroacoustic sound and live electronics
2002, duration 17'00
Cello, electroacoustic sound and live electronics
2000-2002, duration 1 hr
Experimental multi-media theatre, with soprano, multi-channel sound spatialisation, computer controlled electromechanics and architectural installation.
2001, duration 7'00
Cello, violin, computer. Interactive work designed for schools
Liquid Crystal.
2000, duration 12'20
Clarinet, electroacoustic sound and live electronics
Circadian Cycles
1999, duration 20'00
Sinfonietta and live electronics
Microclimate I: Snow & Instability
1998, duration 17'00
Double bass, alto flute, percussion and electroacoustic sound.
Buoyant Charm
1997 (rev 2001), total duration 25'30
Ensemble and electroacoustic sound.
1997, duration 9'50
Two classical guitars and electroacoustic sound.
1995, duration 14'30
Bass clarinet, b-flat clarinet, cello and electroacoustic sound.